NTNSP Introduction

The Terms and Conditions of Service set out in this Agreement apply to all new employees contracted on Public Services Commission Terms and Conditions of service by the Public Services Commission after the effective date (1 April 2016) of the Agreement or in employment groups which are directly analogous to Civil Service or Manual and Craft Workers pay scales, but are not Public Services Commission employees.

Existing employees are protected under the provisions outlined in Annex 3.

Specific provisions of this agreement also apply to employees of the Public Services Commission who, prior to the effective date of the Agreement, were appointed or employed (either directly or by-analogy) in accordance the Civil Service Regulations or the Whitley Council Memorandum of Agreement and after the effective date of the Agreement are promoted or regraded.

For further information on the precise scope of this Agreement, please refer to Scope.

For Terms and Conditions of Service not covered in this Agreement please refer, as appropriate, to either:

If you require clarification regarding these terms and conditions of service, or their application, please contact the Office of Human Resources.