Joint consultation machinery

26.1 Partnership arrangements should be set up in agreement with employee representatives to lay down rules that will govern the operation of:

26.2 The Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) – this forum should be used by individual professional groups (eg. Ambulance, Nursing and Midwifery, Allied Health Professionals, Professional Technical Body) and should be used to discuss local issues and policies which affect the people covered by the forum only, items however can be taken from this forum to the JNC when issues affect more than one group. The forum cannot make any changes to the terms and conditions held within this handbook.

26.3 The Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) – this forum should be used primarily for negotiation of changes to/ additions to/ withdrawal of the terms and conditions covered in this handbook.

26.4 Agreement should be reached on a number of issues when establishing a JCC/JNC.

26.5 These include:

  • size and composition of the committee
  • organisation of committee meetings
  • subjects to discuss
  • facilities for committee members
  • arrangements for reporting back

26.6 All organisations benefit from good employer/employee consultation and negotiation.

26.7 Organisations which ensure that systematic communication, negotiation and consultation take place on a wide range of subjects will benefit from better decision-making, greater employee understanding and commitment and improved industrial relations.

26.8 Joint consultative arrangements should be based on a partnership approach to industrial relations. This should involve the systematic and routine involvement of staff and their trade union representatives at all levels in shaping the service and in the decision-making process at all stages that affects their working lives and the delivery of healthcare.

26.9 All organisations benefit from good employer/employee consultation. Organisations which ensure that systematic communication and consultation take place on a wide range of subjects will benefit from better decision-making, greater employee understanding and commitment and improved industrial relations.