Principles and partnership

  1. The Isle of Man Department of Health and Department of Social Care are obliged to adhere to employment and tax law and other statutory provisions. Representatives of the Departments will seek to keep the Handbook up to date with any changes and when appropriate any changes to statutory requirements will take precedence over the Handbook.

  2. The provisions set out in this Handbook are based on the need to ensure a fair system of pay for all employees’ which supports modernised working practices. The provisions recognise that modern forms of health and social care rely on flexible teams of staff providing patient and client care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365/6 days a year whilst applying a wide range of skills.

  3. Representatives from Management and Staff Sides agree to work in partnership to deliver a new pay system that supports service modernisation and meets the reasonable aspirations of all staff.

    The signatories to the agreement will work together to meet the aspirations of all the parties to:
  • Assist new ways of working that best deliver the range and quality of services required, in as efficient and effective a way as possible, and organised to best meet the needs of patients and clients
  • Assist the goal of achieving a quality workforce with the right numbers of staff, with the right skills and diversity, and organised in the right way
  • Improve the recruitment, retention and morale of the workforce
  • Improve all aspects of equal opportunity and diversity, especially in the areas of career and training opportunities and working patterns that are flexible and responsive to family commitments
  • Meet equal pay for work of equal value criteria, recognising that pay constitutes any benefits in cash or conditions
  • Implement the new pay system within the management, financial and service constraints identified by Departments and Treasury representatives