Meal Allowances

Article 25


(a) With effect from 1 April 2024, an employee (other than an employee of the Heritage Railways Division of the Department of Infrastructure) who is required:

  1. to work outside his usual working area, unless he had been notified not later than his normal finishing time on the previous working day that he would be required so to work, shall be entitled either to a mid-day meal provided at his employer's expense, or to a meal allowance of £8.98

  2. to work overtime in circumstances as described in (i) above for a continuous period in excess of 2 and one half hours beyond his normal finishing time, shall be entitled to a meal allowance of £8.98

(b) On each 1 April hereafter the rate of the above meal allowances will be revised automatically in line with the movement in the catering index of the local general index of retail prices.

Last Updated – April 2024 Amendment No 15-197