Civil servants responsibilities


All Civil Servants - Health and Safety Responsibilities

All civil servants have legal obligations, in broad terms these include:

  1. taking reasonable care for their own health and safety and the safety of other people
  2. co-operation with their employer on health and safety and the implementation of safe working practices
  3. not to misuse or interfere with anything provided for their health, safety and welfare and
  4. report any personal accident at work or industrial disease to their immediate supervisor, and ensure that any accident details are recorded in the accident book at their place of work

Such is the importance attached to Health and Safety at work that it is regarded as a serious offence against discipline, possibly constituting gross misconduct in terms of Section B – Employee Relations to these Regulations, for any civil servant to deliberately ignore health and safety at work rules, thereby endangering their own or another's physical well-being or risking unacceptable loss or damage.

Further Information

Specialist advice on Health and Safety matters is available from the Principal Health and Safety Adviser in the Office of Human Resources.