Interview Expenses Information

If you will be travelling to the Isle of Man to attend your interview, you may be able to claim back expenses incurred for your trip.

Reasonable expenses incurred in travelling to the Island and accommodation will be met by the Department up to a maximum limit of £320.

Please note, any flights beyond the UK/Ireland must have the costs agreed in advance with the Hiring Manager.

Expenses will not be reimbursed until after the conclusion of the interview. If you decide to withdraw your application or refuse an offer of employment for reasons which Manx Care considers inadequate, no expenses will be paid. If you are offered the post your expenses will be paid when you start your new role.

Please complete the form below and return it to the Recruiting Manager. Please make sure you retain any receipts, where appropriate, for production with your expenses claim in due course.    

To find out more about relocating to the Isle of Man visit

Download the claim form